Thursday, 30 June 2011

Part 11: Galilee Round Two

As I said previously, we spent four days in Galilee.  There was some Old Testament discussion, but to be completely honest the most impacting sites for me were the ones centered around the ministry of Jesus.  Our events included, but were not limited to:
A visit to Capernaum, which houses one of the most well known and popular historical sites in Israel.
A visit to Megiddeo where we got to see some sweet gates and walk down another water cistern.
A visit to Sepphoris where we saw the "Mona Lisa" of Galilee (a beautiful Mosaic). I never get tired of looking at the mosaics.
A visit to Hazor where we saw an olive press from back in the day.
A visit to Beth-shean/Scythopolis where we got to see the sweet Greco-Roman latrine.

And now for my highlights:

We took a boat ride on the sea of Galilee, it was here where we were taught about fishing and how they used to fish and the different types of fishing.  After we docked on land we got to see a 2000 year old boat that was found in the Sea of Galilee...very sweet. It was beautiful.

I had been really looking forward to visiting the Church around where the events of John 21 are thought to have happened.  Unfortunately, during my relished time of silence in the church another tour group entered without heeding the sign which says "silence this is a holy site".  It was still a very beautiful church.

Probably one of the most simple and enjoyable highlights for all of us was all the swim time we got.  On the first night we watched the sun go down as we floated in the water.  There was also non-instant coffee where we stayed.

Anyway team, we spent the day in Samaria and its exam time tomorrow so its sleep and study time for me.
Lots of love

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